Monday, February 7, 2011

It destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being.  ~Benjamin Disraeli

God. Bless. Tax refunds.

I just filed our tax returns and talk about feeling Oprah rich for a minute. It's seriously going to help so insanely much and pretty much already spent but WHO CARES!! We'll have two cars again and no tickets and Jeremy can get new glasses and YAY!

I'm watching some show on 9/11 right now and Corbin's sitting with me talking about airplanes. It's weird to think that he'll only learn about 9/11 in school and he'll come home and ask me about it and wonder where I was or how it affected me.

On a completely different note, yesterday was Jeremy's birthday. I was in a horrible mood yesterday; not exactly sure why. It was one of those days where I just needed everyone to give me a pass on being grumpy for a sec and then I would've gotten over it. However, being as how it was Jeremy's birthday he did not want one second of grumpiness from anyone. Basically it was an afternoon/evening of bickering, apologizing for bickering, followed by some more bickering.

You know how there are people that say to never go to sleep angry? Yeah, that's great in theory, but I think in some cases calling it a night and sleeping on it can bring a much needed change of perspective on things. We're all better now so life is good.

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