Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I have this cousin Marcus who saw one he said it blew his mind I want to make sure I never ever miss out on a Haley's comet. -The Hangover

I want to keep Alan from The Hangover in my pocket with me at all times because he just really makes me happy. He wouldn't even need to talk. Just stand there all beardy, poorly dressed with a baby strapped on him.

I've had this kind of epiphany lately and I feel the need to document it.

I tripped balls whenever I turned 25. Like, had a REAL freakin' hard time with it.

Possibly due to the fact that I hadn't graduated college, had no job, nor job prospects, yet was married with two children... I don't know. I just didn't feel like my life equaled 25. Some kind of mental disconnect or something.

For some reason I had this perception that 30 is some magical grown up age. Kind of like game over... it's srs business time. Anywho, after dating two guys in their 30s... I've realized that is not true.

Basically, as long as you've got your shit together, can pay your bills and take care of your responsibilities you can still partake in activities that are not all srs business.

Anyway, it makes me quite excited about the future. Since leaving M, I think I've let a lot of the newfound single mother responsibility age me mentally. I feel A LOT older than 26. Instead of feeling like my young days are far behind me, I'm trying to take it one day at a time with the responsibility thing while still enjoy as much of that day as I can.

There has been a lot of crap going on, just in the last week alone, and I could really be in a bad place right now, but I'm so cool with life now. I was a ball of nauseous nerves on Monday due to the fact that I thought I was getting divorced the next day and then I had a two hour crying/pissed off as all hell moment when I learned I was not getting divorced the next day. I however, took lemons (in reality, limes) and turned them into partners of tequila shots with Mr Man and had a splendid end to a really really really shitty day.

I've made a new hobby of harassing my lawyer's assistant multiple times a day to see when the new court date will be. Honestly, I probably won't have a final hearing until 2010, but whatever, I'll get there. I just am trying really hard to not stress out about the stuff that I have little to no control over and take care of the stuff that I do.

I'm in a good place.

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