Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where'd you go? I miss you so Seems like its been forever that you've been gone - Where'd You Go/Ft Minor

I was watching a montage of soldier homecomings today and bawled like a baby through the whole 5 minutes. I hated Matt's deployment. It made me go to some dark places and Matt came back pretty much living in a dark place, but there was one moment in there that will be one of my favorite memories for the rest of my life.

The time frame for Matt's arrival was changed about a million times before he actually showed up. I remember popping a whole bottle of Tums the day that he was coming home. The amount of nerves was absolutely insane. Matt, in true Matt form, intentionally waited to be the last person off the plane. I saw him come out of the doors and it is insane that my heart did not leap out of my chest. I felt like I was in one of those movies where it's slow motion and then he was there. Our family was complete and everything was absolutely perfect. That perfection obviously didn't last, but that feeling... knowing that he was home safe, that I wasn't alone anymore, that Ava had her Daddy back... The only way you can know what that feels like is if it's something you have personally experienced. Nothing short of amazing, that's for sure.

Matt and I went through so much together and not just minor things, we're talking big, life changing things. Baby in NICU, his mother being killed in a car accident, parents divorcing, deployment, depression, severe health problems... I think about mine and Jeremy's future and realize that we'll be facing our fair share of obstacles but pray to the powers that be that we do not face a slew of those challenges in the first 3 1/2 years of marriage.

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