Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You hold my hand and it's better than love. -Better Than Love/Griffin House

All right. I suck at regular blogging. HOWEVER, I'm going to change that!

Ava started Pre-K on the 23rd and is LOVING it. She gets up in the morning fairly easily and is always excited to tell me about what she did. I love that she loves school and that she's so smart. It makes me a proud mama.

I'm enjoying my three hours of quality time with Corbin in the morning while Ava's at school. Normally, we just watch cartoons together, but it's still nice to be able to spend some one on one time with him, since I haven't gotten to do a lot of that being as how he is child #2. He's had an absolute language explosion and his personality makes me fall in love with him more and more the more it develops.

Jeremy and I are phenomenal. We've had some growing pains as a couple, but have come through them better. We're starting to budget, which is never fun. We're learning that 4 kids kind of cut down on recreational funds and that's not much fun either. Both of us are learning how to parent the other one's kids and while my kids are young and pretty pliable, his kids are older and a little more set in their ways, so there's been a bit of resistance. Then, there's having to deal with exes and be respectful of relationships, but also try not to get run over in the process. It's A LOT of work, but most definitely worth it.

I chaperoned my first slumber party as a parent and it was DRAMATIC. Little girls are ridiculous! It was fun though and I'm so excited to have more of them with the girls. I also officially became a soccer mom on Tuesday. Ava started soccer and I can't get over how cute that child looks in her little soccer get up.

We're still working on the shanty. Matt has the kids this weekend, so I'm planning on getting some major work done on it, come hell or high water. Hopefully, by the middle of September we'll be moving in. I. Am. So. Ready. I've enjoyed being here at my dad's, but I'm ready for Jeremy and I and our little (big) family to start our own home.

I am, for all intents and purposes, a stay at home mom. Jeremy is in his last semester of the RN program, working 5 days a week, clinicals one day and class the other... I'm pretty much filling all the holes for pick-ups/drop-offs for his girls that him and Brandy can't get to, plus taking care of my babies. I'm enjoying it, for now, but I would like to get back into school-school by the Spring... we shall see.

Okay, that's the quick and dirty of what's going on. I'm gonna try and update this at least several times a week so that my updates aren't play by plays of my life for the past 3 months.

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