Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I don't want you to go, I'll eat you up I love you so. -Where the Wild Things Are

My final hearing is in a week. INSANE. I'm so ready to get this over with. M is going back and forth from being friendly and easy to get along with and then the next minute he's telling me all of my character flaws and how he doesn't know how not to hate me. I just pray that he actually shows up to the hearing that way we don't have to do the whole dog and pony show with the judge if he doesn't.

A turned FOUR on Saturday. Can not believe that. She's a little kid now. Not a toddler... a little kid. I took her on a date for her bday yesterday since M had her this weekend. We got nails and toes done, did some Halloween shopping, went out to eat and took her to her first movie in a theater. Went and saw Where the Wild Things Are... not exactly what I expected. It was actually kind of a downer in a lot of parts. I'm loving watching her develop into her own little person. Absolutely independent and headstrong and at times frustrating as all get out, but it's like she already knows exactly who she is. I am already so proud of her.

My Great Granny got life flighted into OD yesterday after her heart rate dropped and they couldn't get her back up after what was supposed to be a minor procedure removing some lumps from her breast. Being as how my mom is disfellowshipped from the whole J-Dub organization, she is essentially cut off from her family. Since I was never baptized, I get to be as worldly as I want to be and they'll still associate with me. It's the most bass-ackwards arrangement ever. Anyway, my mom went to the hospital last night and saw her dad for the first time since mine and M's wedding and saw her sister, who she didn't even recognize, for the first time in 15 years. My mom's best friend came over to watch the kids so I could go offer some moral support. It was an emotional evening. The last time I was in the ICU of that hospital was when M's mom died. Walking down the hallway I had flashbacks of that day and it just made my stomach turn. When my mom and I talked to my granny her heart rate spiked and she was fidgeting so much because she wanted to hug us. It was absolutely heart wrenching. I'll be surprised if she leaves the hospital... she's 94... I just feel for my mom. I can't imagine how much her heart is just aching right now.

This weekend I spent a lot of Q.T. with Mr Man. Friday we did dinner at the house with his kid, went to a haunted house, I gave him a pedicure, did some hot-tubbing. I went to Lubbock with my mom and her best friend for the A&M/Tech game. We had an extra ticket so at 6pm, Mr Man decided to drive up. He made it there after halftime and tailgated with us afterwards. He had to be back in town fairly early, so I rode back with him so he didn't have to drive back by himself so late. We had a heart to heart on the way home... failed marriages, life, what not. My feelings for him are definitely growing the more time we spend together. They aren't overpowering though, like they were with BB. I don't feel this urge to push some kind of serious title for whatever we're doing. I look forward to the time we get to spend together... have no clue where this may or may not be going, but I think it's just what I need right now.

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