Holy moly! I just wrote a checklist of everything I need to have done for the wedding and it is riiiiidiiiiculous. I'm slightly overwhelmed now. I know everything is going to come together but man, seeing it all written out is making me trip out a bit.
Not much else has been going on around these parts. I've been doing a lot better on the being a good little housewife front. I'm looking at it like this is my job, so the house is my office and i wouldn't want my office to look like a hot mess so I'm not going to let the house look a hot mess. I've been trying to make the kids more accountable for their messes but I still spend a large majority of my time picking up behind people.
Jeremy has his bachelor party this weekend. He's going to the lake with some of his buddies. I'm glad he's actually doing something instead of just hanging out in OD for a night. My bachelorette party is at the end of the month and I am so excited. Can't wait to see all my girls and be out of town and have adult grown up time all weekend. Yahoo buckaroo.
I have suuuuuucked at this whole diet/working out for the wedding. Jeremy likes his women with some meat on their bones so that lowers the motivation just a tad. I'm going to try and put in a last ditch effort for this last month.
Ahhhhhhhh! As of tomorrow it is ONE freaking month til I get married. Holy buckets!