Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter is Nature's way of saying: "Up yours."

I am so over winter it's not even funny. Today is the first day in almost a week that the temp is expected to get out of the teens. Over it! We had to break down and come stay at Jeremy's parents house the past two nights because our house was fuh-reezing and there's the whole pipes being frozen as well, which made for a less than fabulous time.

Good lord, I went to the house to get some clothes for the kids because they're spending the night with Matt's dad. Anyway, so our humble abode has no central heating (I know, 21st century and no central heating... What can ya do?) Thus far it hasn't been a problem, given that we live in Texas and all. Space heaters and blankets get the job done on chilly nights. Then Hell decided to freeze over and we haven't been home since Wednesday afternoon. This also means no space heaters have been going on. We now have a sink full of dishes encased in ICE due to our dripping faucet not doing their job of keeping water going and the pipes freezing so water froze. Our toilet has a big ol block of ice in there. I mean, seriously. Only my house would be capable of making it's own ICE. INDOORS!

This will all be worth it when we have our beautiful house in a couple of years and we will sit with the heater cranked up and a fire going and we'll laugh about the olden days in the shanty.

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