So, last night we all decided that we were going to have The Biggest Loser: Family Edition going on with my pop's side of the family. The dad, step mom, step sister, brother in law and I are all going to see who has the biggest percentage weight loss by my birthday, 7/11. We're all throwing money in the pot and whoever wins, gets the cash.
I have GOT to get rid of this damn weight. It's ridiculous. I need to start doing some kind of physical activity and that'll help it come off, plus not eating like I'm trying to feed a set of octuplets growing inside me would be good too.
I'm so excited about this weekend. I have the kiddos and I think we're going to go to a hockey game on Friday and then Saturday we're going bowling. Bachelor Man and maybe his girls will be joining us. Holy shit. Can we say "cluster fuck"?
Speaking of Bachelor Man, the Bro-in-law was talking to him on the phone the other night and was asking what he was up to. Jerm (Bachelor Man) said that he was coming over to my place and BIL was like, well you can come over for a beer before, but I doubt that'll be happening. Jerm was like, nah, I'll come hang out... later... I just have tunnel vision right now.
I had to give him shit for that, but I was also uber-flattered by it. I am digging him hardcore, man. His personality is just awesome... While I'm not saying that I'm in loooooooove with him, whenever it does hit that point and I'm ready to let my heart go, I will pin the moment on when I fell for him to the night that we started talking about Degrassi and realized he was some kind of Degrassi savant.
Sans Crazy Dave, the guys that I have dated post M have been pretty kick ass to hang out with, regardless of how they might have ended.