Sunday, July 26, 2009

But you can wait a lifetime and I'd still be lovin' you. -Kyle Bennett Band

My mood has vastly improved since Thursday. Hooray!

BB came in town Friday, even though he still felt pretty crappy. I tried to put on my happy voice when he told me that he didn't think he was going to be able to come down on Friday, but I kind of suck at masking my true feelings so he decided to man up and drive down anyway.'

I was walking on air... marvelous!

Took him to the salon and halfway did a good ol bald fade on him. I kept getting scared and had to get Adrian to come help me with the clippers. I so did not want to jack up his hair. Fortunately, I did a pretty good job so all is well.

He met the kids and A was absolutely smitten with him. BB rough houses all the time with his daughter and she's completely used to it. My little A though... she's kind of a delicate flower so BB was playing around with her like he does his daughter and A winds up crying because her arm hurt. BB felt HOOOOOOOORRIBLE. He was doing everything in the world to appease her... didn't change A being completely smitten with him so that's good. C was just happy to be wandering around messing with random crap as per usual, so all in all the first encounter was a good one.

BB met Mama and they gave each other shit back and forth all freaking night long. Mama said that he was far more entertaining than my past loves and had a whole lot of personality which was a good thing... so far so good!

BB and I had Mexican food for dinner which was a huge mistake because his stomach was not having any of it, so I got to play nurse all night. I really actually loved doing it. I've missed taking care of a significant other when they need me. M liked to suffer in solitude... BB is very much open to being taken care of and I like that a lot. I think that shows a lot about how people handle obstacles in other areas rather than health. If someone is willing to let you take care of them when they're sick and vulnerable and want you to be with them, I think that they will want you around when they're having other problems and want to take on things together instead of by themselves. I dunno... just my personal opinion.

Anyway, BB was feeling better by Saturday morning after I got back from my run and what not. We did lunch with Mama and went to this hole in the wall dive for a few beers and a game of shuffleboard. Absolute blast! Mama and BB just were complete smart asses to each other which is totally how to win them both over. I loved that they got along so well.

BB had to report for duty for this juvenile boot camp thing at 7, so I rode down with him, got checked into the hotel and hung out while he did his little meeting. The dry streak finally got broken afterwards! Then there was swimming and dinner. Our entertainment for the evening was listening to music in the room, while drinking Bud Lite and playing Hang Man when I wasn't somehow grooming him. It was the most uneventful night, but we both had a complete blast... just telling random stories and singing along to songs and talking about all sorts of stuff. I laugh so much with him and the second that we're together after we've been apart... it feels like we've never been seperated.

I am so ready to start our life together, but I am thankful for this time that we have to really get to know each other and make sure that this is right. Every time I see him, my feelings are reconfirmed.

He was supposed to have the early morning shift, so I was just going to ride back with him after he got off today but the schedule got changed up so I drove his truck back and head back on Friday to get him so that he can spend the whole weekend with me again! Hooray!

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