Monday, July 13, 2009

Laughter is an instant vacation. ~Milton Berle

Lot of ground to cover here... keep up with my kids. I have quite the humorous story at the end of this if you make it through.

So, my father and I have had an estranged relationship for the past 9 years. Recently, in June, he invited me, out of the blue, to his retirement party. Deciding to let bygones be bygones, I went ahead and went. I was very nervous, but it turned out to be a really good thing. Yesterday the kids and I went out to their place. We got to hang out with the new miniature donkey, the kids got to ride a big ol' John Deere tractor and A got to ride on a horse.

My dad and I had a really good heart to heart and I had a pretty good convo with my step mom.

I've had father figures in the past 9 years, but there is nothing like having that connection with the person that you are half of. I haven't realized how deeply I wanted that relationship to be there until I've had a glimpse of the possibilites that could be.

My step mom even came into the salon today and I did a cut and color on her (which I totally rocked)... made a nice $40 tip so I'm not complaining one bit.

As a kid, I was raised Jehovah's Witness... because of this I missed out on holidays, birthdays... the whole thing. When my mom stopped doing the J-Dub thing, I was already a teenager, so I guess she didn't really think I ever wanted the whole birthday celebration business.

Today... I finally got my first official birthday cake. I blew out 26 candles after everyone at school sang me happy birthday.

Happy that I finally got to take part in a ritual that most everybody takes for granted, a rite of passage if you will.

Happy that I have met some wonderful people in the past 6 months that I can call my friends.

To top it all off, our school is located next to a dollar store place... all the students frequent it, so we're good buds with the employees there. They know me because I have a slight obsession with Honey Roasted Peanuts so I stroll my happy ass over there once a day to get my 2 for $1 bags of that savory goodness. One of the girls and I took some cake over to the manager and one of the employees on shift and I got a WHOLE CAN of honey roasted peanuts. I could've exploded with happiness.

I managed to clock in over 9 hours at school today and I'm elated. I am so so ready to get out of school. I'm ready to be able to get a job and start paying bills and not have to depend on other people for money. I'm getting over 40 hours a week at school and working at the salon on weekends when available. I'm not just sitting on my butt wasting time, but I'm also not making a significant amount of money.

I'm ready to not live under my mom's roof. God love her. I could never ever get through this time without her, but I am 26 and I do have 2 two kids and I'm ready to be an adult living in a house without my mom. I would be lying if I said that this isn't putting a bit of stress on our relationship because it is. It's a huge financial burden to suddenly have to financially support three more people and I hate feeling like I'm a burden.

There may be a little bit more motivation that's lighting a fire under me.

I've met someone.

I may have joined a dating site *cougheharmonycough* and taken a bit of a leap and actually met someone off of it. Apparently their little system they have going is working. BB is absolutely everything I have ever looked for in a man, in a significant other. He is funny, God, he is funny. He thinks I'm hilarious. He has two beautiful children and is a loving, devoted father. He adores my kids and hasn't even met them. He has been through a lot, a whole lot, and still has this fantastic attitude that you should embrace every bit of life you're given. He has a fantastic job that offers a lot of stability and perks. He has a fantastic relationship with his parents and OH his parents... I LOVE THEM. He's spontaneous and adventerous and makes me want to try and go to all sorts of places I've never done or seen. I am completely comfortable with him and am more myself than I've ever been with anybody I've ever been in a relationship with (including Matt).

He lives 5 hours away and if all keeps going as it is, the general plan is that I graduate from school and the kids and I move to Hill Country. Sometimes it seems like maybe we should slow it down... after all both of us are getting our divorces finalized... but I have an overwhelming feeling of coming home everytime I see him.

On an unrelated note... I've decided to grow my hair out and run a 5K. I just put that in here so that if I do cut my hair and don't run a 5K (Dec 5th, Reindeer Run, Austin, Tx) then someone can call me out... and there's nothing more I hate than being called out.

So here's the story as your reward...

Today I pick A up from school and her dress is covered with blood and she's toting around a huge wad of tissue. She proudly tells me she has had a bloody nose. Her teacher tells me that she has been rooting around her nose, fiercely trying to get at SOMETHING... perhaps trying to pull a small child out of her nose. This action caused her nose to bleed, obviously.

We get home and she tells me that she has to go potty so I go grab a towel from the bathroom for C. I see A standing on her stool, going to town at picking her nose and peering in the mirror as she's doing it. I'm like, What. The. Hell. I swat her hand, tell her that's not what we do and tell her to go eat dinner. So she's there whimpering about picking her damn nose and I'm trying to get C all bathed. I go to the bedroom to get him diapered up and what not when I hear my mom dying laughing and asking A why she stuck something up her nose and that now she was going to have something stuck in her brain and she was going to have brain damage.

My mom kind of has a special approach to parenting.

After I get C all diapered, I go to the kitchen to see what the hell my mom is talking about. Mama informs me, through her bouts of laughter, that A stuck a heart up her nose. I'm thinking a nice arts and crafts sequin heart... nothing too major. I figure it got stuck up there because it's so small and what not. A little boy gifted her with a heart and she chose to honor his gift by shoving it up her nose. I asked her if that was his idea or hers... my three year old's response, "I don't want to talk about it."

Then, my mom points to a napkin and tells me that the heart is in there. There is a freakin' piece of heart shaped candy... the same size as the heart shaped Runt... except this one is purple.

Not. Little.

I guess while I was getting C all diapered up, Mama asked A if she had something up her nose, thinking it was a huge booger or something. A told her that she had a heart up her nose. Mama got her to blow her nose and was quite taken aback when instead of seeing the monster of all boogers there was a purple piece of candy that flew out instead.

This. This right here... this is my life.

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