Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. -Anne Frank

Ah the children folk... God love 'em!

I've stepped back from the freak out I was having with the stepmother-ing. I just get all overwhelmed and hit my limit and then I decompress and am ready for another dose of stress! Yay life.

So far this week has been full of hanging out with the kids. Ava is so her own little independent person. She's started on a kick with coming and telling me that I am the best mommy out of all the other mommies, which is an awesome compliment. She's definitely comfortable with Jeremy and has become much more affectionate with him. She's starting to read and is soaking up everything she learns in school. I can't believe that she's going to be starting big girl school in August.

Corbin is a busy dude. He's always putting things together or has some make believe play world going on where the inhabitants are all sorts of chatty. It makes me laugh that about a year ago, Matt and I were worried he had some form of autism because the boy wouldn't speak and now he talks ALL. THE. TIME. We got him a Hot Wheels track pack for Christmas and that thing keeps him entertained for hours. It's amazing. He's still a super affectionate Mama's boy and I'm not ready for that to go away so I'm soaking that up.

This weekend I'm going out to Daddy's so that I can get some help working on the wedding. I am like a shotgun blast as far as my planning goes. I have a lot of ideas but they are not in any kind of cohesive form. I need direction, dammit.

This weekend we went to a birthday party for one of Jeremy's nursing school classmate's daughter. It was quite the experience because we were the only white folks there. Everyone else was Egyptian, Iranian, Iraqi, Armenian, Pakistani, Afghanis. The girls were informed that they were the only kids who could only speak one language. Not many kids in West Texas get to experience that kind of diversity and if there's anything that I want my kids to learn, is that there are all different types of people in the world and that is something to be embraced.

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