Sunday, January 9, 2011

But, baby, how we spoon like no one else. -You and I/Ingrid Michaelson

I'm going to be reeeeeeeeeeeal freakin' happy when my day consists of something more exciting than finding a neat website ( because I have been stuck in bed all the days. To add to my general feeling of suck assness, I now am constantly nauseous, but hungry. I finally decided tonight that I'm going to be nauseous whether or not I eat, so I might as well make myself REALLY nauseous and eat because at least then I will not be worried about being nauseous and hungry.

Praise Baby Jesus Jeremy was able to get off work tomorrow and is taking me to the doctor. I have no problem going to doctor appointments once I'm in an established relationship, but I do NOT like going on that first visit... especially if it's a lady-parts doctor. There's a lot of personal business to be handing out to someone and THEN you have to pay for it. Ugh... Anyhow, had Jeremy not been able to accompany me, I probably would not have gone and remained miserable until he was able to take me. I'm such a baby.

I have to give Jeremy a bit of props for taking care of me and the kids this past week. I am extremely fortunate that I have someone that loves me and the kids so much and works hard to provide for us. Plus he makes my heart so very happy and I know that I can always count on him for anything... even if I suddenly decide I want food 5 minutes after he gets home.

Jeremy got to spend lots of quality time with the girls this weekend, due to my invalidness. They had a slumber party Friday night, which I took part of the first half. Ren is little Miss Social Butterfly and was texting all night long, which consisted of gossipping about one of the girls at school. Oh my goodness, there is a mini teenager living here, at the grand ol' age of 9. I am slightly disturbed by this. Ava is only 4 years behind and I'm not ready for her to be gossipping via text with one of her friends. It's already weird enough that she is in luuuuv with one of the little boys in her class.

Gah... our house is in shambles again. We finally got all the parts for our kitchen table and we rearragned our kitchen and I'm all disoriented when I walk into that part of the house. I was trying to find my Soul Pancake book and I could vividly remember just having seen it somewhere, but it was nowhere to be found... until I looked on top of the microwave. Well. Of course. Why wouldn't it be on the microwave?

What drains your soul? What recharges it?
  • being sick
  • money - or lack thereof
  • lack of sleep/too much sleep
  • being on the receiving end of tattling
  • things breaking - me, the car, etc.
  • comparing myself to others - you know, getting hung up on thinking that so and so is doing so and so and why am I not doing so and so
  • dirtiness/clutter
  • hearing/seeing the kids playing together
  • random "I love yous"
  • full tank of gas and full kitchen of groceries/no clothes in the laundry
  • getting to sleep in and waking up at a half way decent hour and feeling rested, or if I have to be woken up, getting woken up by a happy baby saying "Hi Mommy"
  • going out of town
  • laughing
  • spending time with Jeremy/Erin/family/friends
List 5 questions you hate not having an answer to:
  1. Is there a God and what exactly is he/she/it?
  2. Will I ever get that degree/dream job that I want?
  3. What happens when you die, and does it allow me to meet Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Tupac, Jim Morrison and Stevie Ray Vaughan?
  4. What the fuck is wrong with me? (at the present moment, I'm talking physically, but on other days, that can pertain to mental/emotional state)
  5. What do I need to be reading/listening to/watching? (I feel like I'm out of the loop on good tunes/books/movies and so desperately want to educate myself.)
And now a song:

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