Saturday, January 1, 2011

Don't let the man get you down. -Empire Records

So it's a whole new year, some are saying its a whole new decade, but I think that's up for debate. Kind of a tomato/tomato thing.

Ive been wanting to start writing again, but i like clean beginnings and decided that new years day was the day I was going to start.

Life is good. As a line from one of my recent favorite songs goes, "we may not have any money/but we've got our love to pay the bills." Christmas with four kids is riiiiiidiculous, but completely worth it. Overall, I can't complain. I love our little house and the kids and of course Jeremy. There are things that if I could wave my magic wand, I would change (ahem, new transmission for the suburban) but, I think that's life.

No Jan 1 post is complete without a little new years resolution action, so here goes:

1. Get healthy. I'm not going to put my normal "lose xx pounds" because that's not really indicative of being healthy. I'm talking about working out, being active, at least 5 times a week. Eating better! Less fast food, less convenience food, less red meat, more fresh veggies/fruits, less cokes and more water!

2. Better handling of money. We have the wedding coming up and eventually I would reeeeeaaaally like to buy our own house so we need to get a handle on our debt and start saving!

3. Pay off my stupid tickets so as to not go to the pokey and be able to replace my long lost license.

4. Be patient; with the kids, Jeremy, life. Most of the time that I feel harried and feel like the kids are dragging ass is because I'm not allotting enough time. Plus, I just need to chill every once in awhile.

5. Organization! I've been working on this a bit already, but I definitely want to keep it up.

6. I would really like to start taking some classes to fill in the gaps in my missing basics through OC. I need to get in touch with tech and see what needs to get done.

7. More experiences with the kids. Were slightly limited as far as "adventures" go, due to being down to one car and our limited income, but I want to start doing more stuff with the kids. The internets is bound to have something to inspire my cheap adventure seeking self!

8. Plan my freaking wedding!!!!

9. Keep up with writing. I got overwhelmed a lot last year and I think if I use this as an outlet, it'll really help out and maybe keep me from having to get a prescription of Xanax.

10. Read more! Anything and everything, but I think focusing on non fiction is a good start.

There we go. A nice even 10.

Shit. I came up with another one, but that's okay. 11 for 2011

11. Be more social. I have turned into a hermit. I need to keep in better contact with friends and make more of an effort to see them, live and in person.

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