Tuesday, January 11, 2011

When the race gets hard to run. It means you just can't take the pace. -Bob Marley

Oh. Em. Gee.

I am a COMPLETELY different woman now.

We went to the doctor yesterday and apparently I have severe gastritis and an infection of some sort or something. I got some hardcore antacids and some antibiotics and I swear this morning I woke up feeling waaaaaaaay closer to 27 than 87. I dropped Jeremy off at work at 545 and came to the house, did a load of laundry, watched some toons with the kids, got Ava off to school and took Corbin grocery shopping to Target and Wal Mart, cleaned out the refrigerator, put up all the groceries and did another load of laundry. BOOM! Captain Productivity is in the house.

Now I just need to drop off some SERIOUSLY overdue library books. My non confrontational self will be dropping them off in the bin and then seeing if I can get Jeremy to pay what we owe because there's nothing worse than an angry librarian. I also need to figure out what box I stuck Corbin's size 8 shoes in because he is DONE with 7s. I have no gauge for what the normal size is because Ava is miniature and she is just now fitting into clothes that are a normal size for her age.

I've been thinking about this trend in younger divorced couples with children where the relationships are almost more amicable post divorce than they were pre divorce. I know that my parents divorce was hooooooorrible and I don't think they've been in the same room since the day that the judge said it was a done deal (which makes my upcoming nuptials somewhat nerve wracking). Whereas, with both mine and Jeremy's situation, 99% of the time, things are very friendly. Joint birthday parties, sitting on the sidelines at soccer games together, stepping foot in each other's house. Matt's oddly in the loop as far as what's going on in my life and even in some of my friends' lives. It's weird, BUT I think it works to the benefit of the kids. My parents' divorce was insanely hard on me and it caused a huge rift in things for many years and still pops up from time to time. Ava and Corbin have never had to choose a side and I think they just are more excited about getting to have extra family.

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